
All the groups from ZCC in one place!

Why Groups

We are not designed to do life solo! Our life in Christ, our service in His Name, are all meant to be enjoyed with other people who know Him, so that our lives together show a watching world Who Jesus is!

The relationships that form knit our church together in beautiful ways.  As we “spur one another on to love and good deeds,” the growth we experience glorifies our God Who breathes His life into all of it! We invite you to join in what God is doing here, now, together!

Women’s GROWTH Groups

Women’s GROWTH Groups graphic
Kingdom Woman by Tony Evans
Rebuilding the Real You by Jack Hayford
Experiencing God by Henry Blackaby
Ten Women of the Bible
Ecclesiastes: Wisdom for Living Well
He Speaks to Me by  Priscilla Shirer

Large Groups

growth groups
Men’s Monthly Breakfast

Real men, Real stories

Men’s Monthly Breakfast

Men’s Monthly Breakfasts are the 1st Saturday of each month, 8-10:30am at ZCC in the auditorium.  Come and enjoy an amazing time of worship, fellowship and sharing that will encourage and challenge you in your daily walk with Jesus.  Our breakfasts are prepared by a Chef and his amazing team, so come hungry!   You can just show up, but we do encourage you to sign up here to be included in the Men’s ministry communication

Women’s Monthly Bloom

Worship and the Word

Women’s Monthly Bloom

Women’s Monthly Bloom meeting is the 3rd Saturday of the month, 9-11am at ZCC in room AR8 (upstairs).  This is a wonderful time of going deeper with each other, our knowledge of God’s Word and in relationship with each other. 
Sign up below to be included in this monthly event.

monthly fellowship

Small Groups

growth groups
Life Groups

Growing stronger together

Life Groups

You don’t have to figure out faith alone. Life Groups are weekly gatherings where you can explore the Bible, connect with others and have real conversations in a supportive community. No pressure, just people following Jesus together.

Study Groups

Going deeper together

Study Groups

There is a deep richness in God’s truth; let’s mine that together. Study Groups meet for a set time to explore a specific topic. We bring together different viewpoints to deepen understanding. It's not about having all the answers. It's about learning together.

Affinity Groups

Building better together

Affinity Groups

We connect easily with people who share a common interest, skill or experience.  Let’s connect the dots here and apply those talents to Kingdom work.  Take a look and, if you have an idea for an affinity group you would like to start, let us know.

monthly fellowship

Serve Teams

Building one Church as one Body

We all want to make a difference, and there are some things that can only happen when we work together.  Check out a serve team that is a fit for you and make a big church feel like your church.

Group Leadership

life groups logo

Are you interested in hosting and/or leading a Life Group? That's great! We can help get you there…

Resources for Group Leaders

growth groups

Request Steve Galden’s book on Leading Small Groups with Purpose

monthly fellowship
Weekly Discussion Notes
Weekly Discussion Notes

Prep time is done for you; click here to access weekly discussion guides for your group based on the message

Online Training
Online Training

Request a personal link to our 101-103 training for new group leaders via online video

Ongoing equipping
Ongoing equipping

Groups are messy, but there are ways to reduce the spills.  Get equipped for the tactical side of group leadership

Get Support
Get Support

Sometimes we just need to soundboard, and sometimes we need help!  Reach out so we can support you.

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